Urban Bubble

The Teens of Making Justice and Faisal Abdu’Allah

December 2019 - January 2020

"Living in and on the Urban Bubble is precarious at best. Being young, gifted and black does not equate with being understood and encouraged by the systems that be. Moving through the turmoil we, as artists, seek to define ourselves and project our realities into the future, owning our narratives and images."

The Bubbler’s Making Justice program, in collaboration with Faisal Abdu’Allah and MMSD’s Foundations Central graduation recovery program located at the Urban League of Greater Madison, presents an art exhibition by Madison youth at the Overture Center for the Arts’ Rotunda Gallery. Over a 9-week course held in the Bubbler Room at Central Library, Urban Bubble is the culmination of conversations and productions that celebrated identity, excellence and the powers within each individual.

Learn more about Making Justice at teenbubbler.org.

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Women's Work