Maker Kits
Maker Kits

Bubbler Maker Kits have been created to bring hands-on programming to young learners throughout the city of Madison, both in-house and for outreach programs. Unfortunately, they are not available for library patron checkout, so we have assembled a database for educators with information about how to build your own!
Many of the kits include links to downloadable facilitation guides, which you can also separately download here.
Scroll down for some FAQs, and if you would like to trial a Maker Kit in your classroom before investing in your own supplies, please contact us!
The link above opens an Airtable database in a new tab.
Bubbler Maker Kits have been created collaboratively by Bubbler staff, community artists, and educators. They travel between our libraries and are utilized for in-house and outreach programming for all ages throughout the city of Madison.
Unfortunately, Maker Kits are not available for patron checkout. Since we regularly receive inquiries about our activities and favorite projects, we put together a database that includes information for educators who want to build your own!
If you are an educator who is interested in seeing one of these kits in person or using one as a trial in your classroom before choosing to invest in one yourself, please contact us!
The database includes information about materials and supplies, cost, age groups, and the level of support needed for that age group.
Many of our Maker Kits include hands-on project guides to accompany the activity. We’ve made many of these available to download, along with many other printable project guides!