Angela Richardson

Central Library Bubbler Room

January - February 2016

Angela Richardson is a visual artist, performer, and devoted fan of Madison Public Library. She loves wandering the stacks and gets completely lost in a good book quite often. During her residency at The Bubbler, she explored her curiosities about the library and drew all sorts of conclusions—literally! Using drawing as a research method, Angela investigated and illustrated the ins and outs of Central Library – the staff, the patrons, the collection, and the building itself.

Kicking off her residency, Richardson encouraged Madisonians to grab their art supplies and join her inquisitive adventure. When stopping by The Bubbler to dialogue and draw, Richardson led thought-provoking workshops.

This is not out of Richardson’s wheelhouse. Familiar to the Bubbler, Richardson recently hosted a bookmaking event in December 2015. At this event, Madisonians learned different bookmaking techniques.

The goal of Richardson’s residency was to “get participants out of your head and into your hands, regardless of experience,” she said in a recent Isthmus article. Richardson also works as the UW-Madison Business School project manager. 

During the Big Draw, Angela led a series of workshops for families and adults to jump-start creative projects as well as a drop-in workshop during the event.

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Artists in Absentia