Jeremy Wineberg

Virtual Residency


Throughout 2020, the Bubbler team fostered conversations with artists-in-residence affected by closures and stay-at-home orders during the pandemic to learn about their experiences during this time—ranging from being stuck in another country far from home, to supporting their kids through the struggles of virtual learning, to graduating from an MFA program which came to an abrupt halt. Their diverse realities during this challenging time helped inform our engagement process, especially in creatively planning how to reach and support families in need of creative learning outlets.

Jeremy Wineberg is a visual artist working in painting, drawing, sculpture, video and installation media. He grew up in Pennsylvania and studied art at the University of Delaware. His work connects everyday experiences and materials like cardboard, snowflakes, diagrams, gravity, and tree branches with events that stretch imagination and perception. Mapping, synesthesia, psychogeography, divination, accumulation, and chaos have been methods he has used to estrange the ordinary and open up new points of view.

Jeremy has worked collaboratively with engineers, performance artists, musicians and other visual artists, and we’re excited to have his collaborative spirit working with the Bubbler again! In 2015, he installed the exhibition Gravity Shifts in the Diane Endres-Ballweg Gallery. He has received several grants for public and collaborative work, including the Little Galleries, a collaboration with artist and curator Rachel Bruya, which placed contemporary art installations at small venues on Madison’s neighborhood streets in 2013. His work has been reproduced in New American Paintings and recently shown in Madison, WI, Denver, CO, Philadelphia, PA, Marion, OH, Nashville, TN, and New York City.

Return to the residency archive.


Hellen Ascoli


Ashley Lusietto