Making & Learning Resources
Making & Learning Resources

In the last 10 years, the Bubbler has become a hub for making and learning research and assessment. We are amazed by the “aha!” moments that happen in our spaces every day, and we are dedicated to sharing and spreading that impact with local and national partners through research, assessment, and training.
Below we have organized materials and resources from Bubbler staff and national partners who have influenced our work. We hope these resources help spread the impact of making and learning to you and your institution!
Check out an interactive timeline of our assessment history.
If you have any questions about making and learning at the Bubbler, feel free to reach to contact us!
Making and Learning Resources
“Making In” Zine: an interactive zine worksheet for team members created by the Bubbler to help with mission and vision for your program
Maker Kits: a database of kits assembled for use in Bubbler programs
Hands-On Projects: PDF downloads of activities for use at home or in the classroom
Supply Cost Estimator: a database of common supplies and materials to build your own maker kit
Making + Learning: a suite of tools created by the Children’s Museum Pittsburgh and the Institute of Museum and Library Services intended to facilitate discussions amongst team members when creating makerspaces
Making Observations: identifying, documenting, and assessing learning in museum and library makerspaces to advance practices as educators, designers, and researchers
Maker Ed: training, support, and resources for individuals, institutions, and communities who are integrating maker education into their learning environments
Exploratorium’s Tinkering Studio: Learning Dimensions of Making and Tinkering, a professional development tool for educators
Amazeum Resources: “Unfield Trips,” professional development, and year-long partnerships for educators developing makerspaces in schools
LIB Toolkit: a new app currently in development from Madison Public Library, Waupaca Area Public Library, and Skokie Public Library
Impact @ Madison Public Library: follow stories documenting the impact of Bubbler programming on our Impact Blo
See our assessment history timeline.
STEAM Trunks: a mobile makerspace initiative by Drew Charter
STEAM Truck: a mobile makerspace for students grades 3-8 in hands-on content
Eli Whitney Museum School Programs: an extensive catalog to meet your curriculum needs and excite your students’ talents
Resilient Educator STEAM Education: articles, activities, and resources
Nation of Makers: encouraging connections, broadly sharing resources, facilitating funding opportunities, engaging in policy development, and advocating for the maker movement
Makerspaces Directory: an international directory from Make: Magazine