Making Spaces
Making Spaces

Expanding Maker Education Resources in Public Schools
We are excited to join Madison Metropolitan School District and the Foundation from Madison Public Schools in supporting this innovative project fostering the our city's future creatives.
In 2018/2019, the Bubbler partnered with MMSD to support over 40+ hours of professional development for Making Spaces teachers and librarians in partnerships with local artists and organizations.
The Bubbler team also spent over 200+ hours, working with 7 new and returning Making Spaces schools from the 2017/2018 academic year on large-scale maker projects, including:
Creating stop motion animation videos and spoken word poems and stories with 8th graders at Toki Middle School for their 3rd annual Power & Legacy project
Introducing textiles and basic sewing with O’Keeffe Middle School’s after school maker club
Designing editorials with Whitehorse Middle’s journalism extension
Recording an original song and documentary of the process at Capital High School
Creating stop-motion animation videos with every 2nd and 4th grade class at Lakeview Elementary and with every 4th grade class at Glendale Elementary
Writing beats, bars, and rhymes for a poetry slam at Schenk Elementary
See more about the amazing work of our school teams below, including each school’s mission.
Download the Making Spaces Toolkit (a project of the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh).
Explore more of the Bubbler’s Educator Resources.
Falk Elementary
At Falk Elementary, we believe all students should have the ability, opportunity, and desire to be agents in their life, community, and world.
We want to make student college, career, and community ready by experiencing different levels of collaboration and project based activities involving social emotional skill development. We will succeed when students, teachers, and parents have an understanding that all student are capable of expanding their thinking to create and explore.
2018/2019 Schools
Glendale Elementary
At Glendale Elementary, REACH time in the Fab Lab is an opportunity for students to create, collaborate, design and tinker with both physical and virtual resources. The activities complement one or more of the STEAM disciplines to increase students’ engagement and opportunity with their learning of 21st Century Skills.
You can check out these amazing stop-motion animation videos made by Glendale Students with the Bubbler team!
Hawthorne Elementary
At Hawthorne Elementary, we believe that all children are creative. We will give them the time and space to tinker and explore, to develop their creativity and build confidence in a safe, collaborative community. Our children will work independently and cooperatively to design, build, create and grow in their understanding of how Maker Lab lessons can be applied to all curricular subjects. In learning to work collaboratively, they will gain skills that will make them college, career and community ready. At Hawthorne, making is a mindset, not a space.
Lake View Elementary
At Lake View Elementary, our makerspace is a place and a mindset where everyone has the opportunity to discover, create and reflect. Everyone’s passions can come to life through exploration and critical thinking.
While engaging in the wider world, students will become leaders who share and teach others. Dream big!
Schenk Elementary
At Schenk Elementary School, we believe that learning is a part of the journey of creativity. We believe making supports engagement, on task behavior, and cements core learning. Making can be simple for teachers and students. We believe making is a mindset, not a space. We know that making comes from the heart of students and we are their guides.
At Schenk, we make every day. Our teachers have the heart of a maker, we are here to give them tools and resources.
O’Keeffe Middle School
At O’Keeffe Middle School, we believe that kids learn best through exploring and doing. We are a passionate and social justice minded community of learners and staff, and believe all children need opportunities to be creative and explore what they value.
At O’Keeffe, our makerspace class and after school clubs facilitate 21st century learning opportunities that allow students to grow their creativity, build confidence, collaborate around engaging and relevant problems, and explore their passions.Because we know that opportunities to solve problems, explore passions, collaborate with peers, get creative, and fail and regroup, builds confidence and leads to great thinkers and motivated drivers of change.
Muir Elementary
At John Muir Elementary School we believe that problem solving and growing as a learner happens when children are given time, an organized space, and a variety of materials to tinker and create. We are excited to introduce MITS - Muir Inquiry and Tinker Space - as an opportunity for all children to explore their interests and passions
The MITS program aims to make learning equitable, accessible, and fun while targeting a variety of subject areas. Every child needs opportunities to collaborate, problem solve, and share their strengths with their peers. Children also need time to reflect on their own learning experiences. MITS will succeed when all learners are engaged in problem solving activities as productive group members, communicate their thinking with their peers and reflect on how they can apply the skills to other curricular content.
Toki Middle School
At Toki Middle School, we thrive!
Building on our existing library maker space, we will expand our materials, but also our knowledge base through professional development for our teachers to incorporate making and learning across all disciplines.
See more about Power & Legacy on the Impact blog, Toki and the Bubbler’s ongoing collaborative project.
2017/2018 Schools
Whitehorse Middle School
With your support, we will expand our maker programs and connect our students with the broader Madison community of makers through a new artist in residence program, inviting artists (and parents!) to share their craft with students.
See more of the 2019 Whitehorse and Bubbler young journalist collaboration!
Capital High School
With your support, we will build making and learning outside our four walls with field trip and internship opportunities to empower our students to discover new paths for their education.
See the Capital High & Bubbler 2019 Media Academy documentary project.
And read more about the 2017 and 2018 Media Academy projects on
Sandburg Elementary
With your support, we will be able to equip our enterprising student media club and elementary broadcast journalists with actual film and sound equipment that matches their enthusiasm and supports their huge ambitions and personalized learning goals. We will also be able to engage our students in Wednesday Choice clubs around gardening, sewing, cooking, and woodworking providing positive ways our students can give back to their communities!
Franklin Elementary
We believe our school community - young and old - deserves the access and opportunity to be: empowered, collaborative, connected and, creative.
We will design, take risks, make mistakes and solve problems. Through play, tinkering, and experimentation, we will demonstrate critical thinking, make meaning, and share understanding in this space and throughout our school.
Huegel Elementary
With your support we will continue to develop our collaborative studio space with an artist in residence program, providing opportunities for students to succeed when they are given the agency to be artists, inventors, and problem solvers.
Huegel Elementary is excited to build on it's experiences with mini residencies with community members to give their students diverse experiences.