Jacki Whisenant

Central Library Bubbler Room

September - October 2018

Jacki Whisenant’s residency focused on large watercolor and mixed media paintings of tiny things, drawing attention to the smaller elements of the natural world that often go unnoticed.

Whisenant is a scientific illustrator with a fondness for bats, beetles and other unsung ecological heroes. As an artist and educator, they enjoy finding ways of celebrating the many facets of the natural world, and encouraging enthusiasm for all aspects of science, from the vast down to the very small: slowing down creates space to breath, sink your feet into the dirt, and notice small details of the surrounding environment. Each painting becomes a study in patience and the meditative practice of close observation. Whisenant delights in any opportunity to get outside, breathe the fresh air, and investigate tiny worlds hidden beneath logs and mosses.

Following the Bubbler residency, Whisenant pursued a Masters in Entomology and work as a Zoology Museum Assistant.


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Liz Sexe


Richard Jones