Megan Scheffer

Central Library Bubbler Room

November - December 2019

In her Bubbler residency, Megan Scheffer questioned images and text that relate to stigma around mental health, transforming analysis into conversations, posters, installations, and a wide range of artwork created during workshops. The artist worked with the community to produce a new body of work and expand on current drawings and sculptures that question the system of mental health.

Research focused on all versions of the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-I through DSM-V), materials published by the American Psychological Association (APA), and emotional understandings and interpretations of caring for and living with a mental illness. New work will be research-oriented and largely collaborative in nature, inspired by the Madison Public Library’s expansive resources, hands-on making and interactions with people of all ages and backgrounds, to generate new concepts and materials that weave together personal and clinical understandings of “insane” and “normal.”

Scheffer is an interdisciplinary artist and educator currently living in Denver, Colorado. She earned her BA in Studio Art and Psychology from Beloit College in 2010 and completed an MFA in Painting from the San Francisco Art Institute in 2015. Following her residency at The Bubbler, Scheffer pursued a position as Visiting Assistant Professor of Foundations at the Alfred University School of Art & Design in Alfred, New York, and continues her art making practice.

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Emily Balsley