Taylor W. Rushing

Central Library Bubbler Room

March - April 2019

Taylor Wright Rushing was born in Tacoma, WA. He received his BA at Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington, and went on to work as a professional glassblower in South Puget Sound, work carpentry on the southern coast of the United Kingdom, and play in an old time string band in Austin, Texas. His work has been on the covers of Old Time Herald Magazine and Grit City Magazine and shown widely in the United States, including the Todd Art Gallery in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, and the Red Bull Art House in Detroit, Michigan.

Rushing’s residency focused on the absolute accessibility of culture and knowledge from the lens of self-taught makers, hobo whittlers, punk rock zinesters, shamans, and librarians. He emphasized the use of humble materials, cartoons and down home crafts in his time at the library and encouraged all patrons to pay him a visit!


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Rodney Lambright II


Lydia Diemer + Riley Hanick