Rebecca Vickers

Virtual Residency


Throughout 2020, the Bubbler team fostered conversations with artists-in-residence affected by closures and stay-at-home orders during the pandemic to learn about their experiences during this time—ranging from being stuck in another country far from home, to supporting their kids through the struggles of virtual learning, to graduating from an MFA program which came to an abrupt halt. Their diverse realities during this challenging time helped inform our engagement process, especially in creatively planning how to reach and support families in need of creative learning outlets.

Originally from Madison, but currently based in Bangkok, Thailand, Rebecca’s work often utilizes a process of collection, zeroing in on instances of the everyday environment as a way of engaging with both community and place. Although our collaboration with Rebecca might be the farthest in distance to-date, we’re eager to explore how we can genuinely support one another through art and making.


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Ashley Lusietto