Framework for Learning
Framework for Learning

The Bubbler Framework for Learning
Below are some of the elements of the process that we love to see in a variety of programs, which also help us to record observations and gauge success. Our hope is that these categories and descriptions also help our partners when assessing workshops and projects, and may come in handy for educators wishing to assess similar projects.
Download a copy of the worksheet that uses the criteria below.
Learn more about our work with assessment and learning tools.
Making Connections
Connection to self-identity
Connection to social or group dynamic
Connection to world or culture
Connection to staff, artist, or space
Social-Emotional Engagement
Working together
Observing others
Helping, offering, or accepting help
Expressing strong emotions related to making, pride, joy, frustration, or investment
Documenting or sharing ideas
Initiative and Intentionality
Actively participating
Setting own goals
Taking risks
Adjusting goals based on feedback and evidence
Problem Solving and Critical Thinking
Troubleshooting and iterating
Breaking problems into parts
Seeking tools, materials, and ideas to solve a problem
Developing work-arounds
Creativity and Self-Expression
Playful exploring
Responding aesthetically to materials and processes
Using materials in novel ways
Focusing on process vs. product
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